Once upon a time the main reason for marriage was to become financially independent fro your original family and simply moving out of the house with dignity. Today seeing a marriage as a financial unit is far less in the priorities of the reason's to get married, and love has become the major reason for getting married. This is because nowadays both men and women can earn a living and be financially independent from their parents.
However, a lot of arguments dealing with loans and other money issues occur in most marriages. It is after all a delicate subject; what you had as your own prior to the marriage becomes mutual property and you are no longer a single financial unit. High expenses therefore require consulting each other and consideration for your dual budget and ability to loan money has a certain limit. If for example one of you is a spender while the other saves almost every dime, you are more likely to have arguments revolving around money.
You would be surprised on the amount of information on how to deal with this you can find online. To make it more personal, you can address an online therapist that has a good financial consultation to offer you. Coping with money problems is important, and you should have at least once a year a profound conversation about your financial status. In order to avoid money conflicts and too many dramas, try talking it out while listening to each other's money needs on his or her everyday basis. Keep in mind that life is far from being cheap, especially if you like to live like today may be the last day of your life.
Saving a little on the side for later is always good, but try not to overdo it - not spend too much each day nor save everything for later. Having separate bank accounts is also healthy since it gives you more liberty to manage your money responsibly without getting remarks from your partner on how much you spend and for what reason. This also helps to avoid confusion when your credit card bill arrives, keeping track of your personal expenses. If you find a reasonable solution to your money issues online and by talking it out, stick to it. Money buys you a certain freedom, but not love. So keep the love and happiness going and decrease your problems concerning money to the minimum.